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As the Global Business Roundtable, we put God first in all we do, in line with God’s plan for His Kingdom to expand globally. A key Scripture that informs what we do is found in the words of Jesus: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6v33
As such we strive to pursue God’s will – not only on an individual level, but also to bring about systemic change that will impact people from all nations.
We are committed to reset, reform and restore all sectors of society – beginning with the spiritual dimension of people’s lives. Romans 12:2 teaches us not to conform to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Then we will be able to test and approve what God’s good, pleasing and perfect will is.
We actively pursue reforming and restoring all sectors of society to God’s original design. This causes a global ripple effect
of blessing as we place God first in everything. You can become a part of this vision through:
24/7 prayer and intercession
The Divine Design Series
Worship Team
Networking your church, business, and organisation through mutual endorsements and partnerships
We have a growing network of spiritual leaders from different churches and parachurch organisations that partner with and endorse the work of GBR. These are pastors, evangelists, teachers, apostles and prophets who are called to equip the saints.
This network is known as the Five-Fold Minister’s Forum.
The Five-Fold Ministry within GBR works from the local chapter to the city/national and global platform to strengthen the foundations of our members with God’s Kingdom values and become pillars to carry the weight of spiritual matters in prayers, cutting-edge prophetic counsels; walls of spiritual defense, standing for the mandate of GBR to flourish in their territories as spiritual elders at the gates of those nations.
The Five-Fold Spiritual Council is a strategic component of the Global Business Roundtable, strictly comprising God-ordained, recognised and biblically outlined ministers. They provide spiritual oversight and direction to the work of GBR.
Our foundations are firmly rooted in prayer. This makes the Intercession Department a vital part of the organisation. Our vision as the Intercessory team is to advance the Kingdom of God through strategic intercessory prayer.
Our mission is “to raise an altar unto the Most High where the fire of intercession will continuously burn throughout the world 24 hours a day.”
The Global Business Roundtable Intercession Department’s goal is to train, equip and raise teams of intercessors in each town, city, province, state, country, region, who will cover the 24-hour prayer chain every day of the week. The basic tenet is that there will be people praying for the mandate throughout the world.
The Music and Worship department ushers in the presence of God before any business or developmental issues are discussed. This is in line with GBR’s chief guiding principle in Matthew 6:23; “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” The worship team instils and helps GBR to apply this biblical guideline before we pursue and gain the economies of the world.
GBR worship is guided by John 4:24, “The true worshipper shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is Spirit and His worshippers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
Currently, the Team has around 20 members who comprise a complete set of instrumentalists and a reasonable number of vocalists. The band is eclectic, comprising 2 Pianists, 2 Bass Players, 2 Drummers, a Flutist, a Violinist, and a Clarinetist. The objective of the worship team is to ensure that we produce Gospel music that appeals to the members of the Global Business Roundtable and to believers worldwide, bearing in mind the different musical tastes of the audience. We are about ministering God’s Word through Corporate Gospel Music. The goal is to ensure high-quality music that is of an international standard, as well as to produce committed and fully skilled musicians that serve at the highest level of excellence.
Our first album (GBR Worship) is available on streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music. Be sure to listen to our anthem: Nkosi Sihlangene.